Ascension Sunday - May 18
With perfect weather the nuns and friars boarded a bus for a day of visiting the monasteries of Medina del Campo (St. Teresa's 2nd Foundation), Fontiveros (where John of the Cross was born) and Segovia - where John + lived and is buried. It was wonderful to be in these historic places and be welcomed by the sisters in Medina and the Friars in Segovia! For me, Segovia was the most special. The monastery is surrounded by wildflowers, fields where sheep were grazing and lovely, expansive views from the places where John would have prayed in a hermitage overlooking all this. We were saying to each other - anyone in this gorgeous setting could write poetry! Truly, there is a gentleness and expansive beauty that opens the heart. Yet, John's poetic expression also took place in the darkness of a prison cell...
By the time we returned to CITeS last night, the last sisters had arrived. Today all 18 nuns will meet for the first time with Fr. Rafal to begin our dialogue. I am looking forward to it! The 2 main languages are Spanish and English. We shall see how we can manage this with all 18 of us. Love to all!
The inner courtyard in Segovia. |
Medina del Campo

In the courtyard - you can see the original cloister walk still!
Segovia - the chapel. The Blessed Sacrament is in the center. The effect is lovely.
The lecturn in Segovia
Thanks for allowing us to "be there" with you. You are in our hearts and prayers as you begin your meetings and presentations. Johann (Carmel Glasgow)