May 20, 2015
Once again, I am writing late at night here in Avila so you will be getting more photos than stories!
This morning we gathered in the chapel of CITeS for Mass (in Spanish) with Msgr. Carballo. The lovely statue of Mary (above) is situated on one side of the altar.
We found our way through this lovely facility to the first meeting of the day following breakfast. |
The friars and nuns gathered to hear Fr. Carballo's presentation. |
Sr. Jennifer Jones of Australia is below:

Msgr. Carballo (center) gave a wonderful talk about religious life followed by time for questions, which were challenging - especially from the Friars. His answers included lengthy illustrations about Franciscan saints, history and stories. However, there were a few things shared about the Questionnaire, which has not yet been finalized. Several times he asked for our prayers during this difficult period of transition at the Vatican both for himself and for our Pope Francis; pleading with us for understanding and patience. It is clear he is in a difficult position. I saw him on his way out of CITeS and thanked him for coming - assuring him of the prayers of the sisters in the United States and Canada. |
Following lunch I found my way through the maze of hallways to the small group discussion in the afternoon. Below, you will recognize (L to R) Fr. Luis, Fr. John Grennan and Fr. Michael McGoldrick of Ireland. Sr. Teresa Benedicta is taking a photo. |
Above (L to R) Fr. Daniel Chowing, Fr. Jude, ?, Fr. Jeremiah Fitzpatrick (Ireland) and Fr. Steven Watson. Not in the photo: Fr. Bonaventure, Fr. Dick (Holland) and Sr. Lucia (Holland). We had a great sharing about what we had heard during the previous 2 days - from the nuns and Msgr. Carballo. Many of the nuns expressed a desire for strengthening our relationship with our Friars through greater mutuality and collaboration. They are delighted with this and want to be more attentive to how they can facilitate this happening. Following our small groups we met all together one last time in the full assembly for a follow-up discussion. |
Above: (L to R) seated: Sr. Paula (Columbia), Sr. Cristina (Portugal) and Sr. Monica (Argentina)
At the end of the day, the nuns gathered with Fr. Rafal to discuss what we want to do tomorrow. We decided to work together again - at least for the whole morning, taking advantage of the time we have together. In the afternoon some have expressed a desire to visit the monasteries of St. Joseph's and the Incarnation. As I have already been to both, I may do something different. Stay tuned! |
These lovely images above are in the chapel and express the mystery of God.
Sr. Ann Francoise from the Holy Land is below. Because she was present for the canonization of St. Mary of Jesus Crucified, she was late to the meeting. As you can see - she exudes joy - and for good reason! |
Amen! Alleluia!
Good Night, Sisters!!
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