Hello, Sisters!
Another wonderful day in Avila. The weather is clear and in the 60's. Crispy in the morning! Sr. Bendina (Africa) is shy about putting her nose out the door until the Friars come to pick us up and take us to CITeS for Mass at 8am. Today we began with morning prayer in Spanish as we went to the church where St. Teresa was born (La Sancta), within the walls of the old city - at 5pm. Following breakfast the sisters gathered with Fr. Rafal to de-brief about our experience of the previous 2 days with the Friars and AB Carballo. Gradually, we found our way through the maze of thoughts (followed always with translations) to a clear way forward. We decided to draft a letter which we will be sharing with the Chapter Friars and with you. Tomorrow we will check in with each other to see whether changes are needed, then we will sign it and share it with you. It's not earth-shaking so don't hold your breath. We just wanted to capture the experience we shared - which can be summed up in the words of the Gospel today: "That they all may be one."
While the sisters were engaged in dialogue today, the Friars celebrated the day with the OCarm General (whose name escapes me!) and members of the congregations affiliated with the Discalced Carmelites. All of them came to La Sancta in the afternoon to fill the church for the 5pm Mass, which was again - in Spanish. The music was provided by one of our Friars who accompanied his own singing with guitar and somehow roused great enthusiasm among the congregation...so much so that several members of each branch of our Order gathered to dance in front of the altar during the closing hymn! Afterwards we politely crammed into a small side hallway to see the bed where St. Teresa was born. No surprise to find it was red!
Tomorrow some of the nuns will be departing after noon so our last time together will be in the morning. Fr. Rafal has arranged for us to visit Alba de Tormes in the afternoon with a chance also of visiting the nuns at the Encarnacion.
I end with lots of photos! With loving prayers and good wishes to each of you, my sisters!
Sr. Elena (Spain) and Sr. Lupita (Mexico) at work! St. Raphael Kalinowski, OCD in background

Fr. Saverio sharing with Sr. Maria Monica (Argentina)

The Friars tell us they have important business to complete before leaving Avila on Pentecost Sunday so let us keep them in our prayers!
With my love...
Thanks again, you gave us a real feel for what was taking place, especially regarding the nuns, well done!